CUI Ya-li,LI Ying-ying,LUAN Guang-zhong,et al.Relationship between Particle Size and Quality of Soymilk[J].Soybean Science,2012,31(01):103-107.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9841.2012.01.023]
- Title:
- Relationship between Particle Size and Quality of Soymilk
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2012)01-0103-05
- Keywords:
- Soymilk; Protein recovery; Particle size; Soybean
- 分类号:
- TS214.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以未脱皮大豆和脱皮大豆为原料,利用3种主流家用豆浆机(九阳精磨豆浆机JY1、美的无网豆浆机MS、九阳无网豆浆机JY2)分别制备干豆及湿豆豆浆,分析不同豆浆机所制豆浆的粒径及粒度分布规律,进而分析粒径与豆浆品质及蛋白质吸收率间的关系。结果表明:JY2制备豆浆的体积平均粒径D[4,3]最大,MS豆浆的D[4,3]次之,JY1豆浆的D[4,3]最小。湿豆豆浆体积平均粒径小于干豆豆浆,蛋白质含量、蛋白吸收率及感官评分(脱皮豆除外)亦显著高于干豆豆浆,说明湿法可以减小豆浆的粒径,提高原料利用率。脱皮湿豆豆浆感官评分低的主要原因可能是浸泡过程中脂肪氧化酶被激活而产生不良风味物质。
- Abstract:
- The objective of this research is to analyze the relationship between particle size and quality of soymilk made by household soymilk maker.Three soymilk makers,Joyoung Fine-grinding(JY1),Joyoung Dry-bean(JY2),and Midea Dry-bean(MS)were used to prepare soymilk from intact and dehulled soybeans by ‘dry-bean’ and ‘wet bean’ program respectively.Then particle size,protein content and recovery,sensory score,and protein absorption rate of the soymilk samples were determined.The results showed that average particle size of soy milk was JY2>MS>JY1 and wet-bean soymilk was smaller than the dry-bean soymilk for both intact and dehulled soybean.The protein content,protein absorption and sensory score(except dehulled soybeans)of wet-bean soymilk were also higher than dry-bean soymilk significantly.This indicated that soaking was important for making finer and protein-more-digestible soymilk,and the protein recovery was higher.The sensory score of wet-dehulled soybeans was the lowest.The reason may be the lipoxygenase was activated and a negative flavor was generated during soaking.
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基金项目:UNU-Kirin Follow-up Research Programme (UNU-ISP-0053);中日合作项目Advanced application of local food resources in China (K332021107); 西北农林科技大学国际合作基金项目(A213021006)。