HUANG Yu-yang,LI Yang,XIE Tie-min,et al.Optimization of Ulrasound Assisted Supercritical Carbond CO2?Extraction of Soybean Germ Oil[J].Soybean Science,2009,28(02):317-320.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2009.02.0317]
- Title:
- Optimization of Ulrasound Assisted Supercritical Carbond CO2?Extraction of Soybean Germ Oil
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2009)02-0317-04
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 研究超声强化超临界CO2萃取大豆胚芽油的提取工艺,通过响应面分析法优化得到的萃取条件为:萃取时间为138 min,萃取温度为37℃,萃取压力为26.3 MPa,超声波功率为300 W,超声波时间为29 min。在此条件下大豆胚芽油萃取率为87.24%左右。且大豆胚芽清油的颜色浅黄透明,香气纯正。
- Abstract:
- Soybean germ contains about 8% of oils,most of which are unsaturated fatty acids.Extraction technique of soybean germ oil by supercritical carbon dioxide method was studied by orthogonal test.Through the response surface optimization method,the optimum extraction temperarure,pressure,time and ultrasonic power for the maximum estraction was 37℃,26.3 MPa,29 min and 300 W,respectively.The extraction rate of soybean germ reached 87.24 %,and the oil had transparent pale yellow color and pure taste.
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