Liu YaguangLi LiqingMa Jing shengYang Qing kai.STUDY ON CHANGES OF CHLOROPHYLL IN LEAVES OF SOYBEAN VARIETIESOF DIFFERENT RESISTANCE TOCerospora soj ina Hara[J].Soybean Science,2001,20(01):49-53.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2001.01.0049]
- Title:
- 文章编号:
- 1000- 9841( 2001) 01- 0049- 05
- Keywords:
- Cercospora sojina Hara; Content of chlo rophy ll a and b; Resi stant soy bean v arieties; Susceptibleso ybean va rieties
- 分类号:
- S565. 034
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本文采用了抗性不同的大豆品种,在3~ 4叶期接种,并于接种后1~ 10天内连续取样,然后测定其接种后叶片内叶绿素的含量。试验结果表明: 无论是抗病品种,还是感病品种,在病菌侵入的初期,叶绿素a、b的含量都有所下降; 在病菌侵染后7~ 10天时,感病品种叶片内叶绿素a、b含量比未接种对照低,而抗病品种叶片内叶绿素a、b含量均明显高于未接种对照; 另外,致病力不同的生理小种对叶绿素a、b含量变化的影响不同, 7号生理小种对叶绿体的破坏能力最强,其次为6号生理小种,而4号生理小种则最弱,其中1号, 2号生理小种居中。抗病品种叶片内叶绿素a /b的比值明显高于感病品种,初步认为叶绿素a /b的比值可作为大豆品种对灰斑病抗性鉴定的一种生化指标。
- Abstract:
- So ybean va rieties o f di fferent resi stance w ere inocula ted wi th di fferent races of Cercospora soj inaHa ra at 3~ 4 leaf ag e , w ere sampled during 1~ 10 days af ter inoculatio n and the content of chlo rophy ll inleav es of bo th the inoculated and the healthy plant s w ere measured. The resul ts show ed that w hen theleav es w ere prima rily infected byCercospora soj ina Hara, co ntent o f chloro phyll a and b in leaves of resistantv arieties and susceptible v arieties w ere low er than those o f cor respo nding healthy leav es. During No.7 da y to No. 10 day af ter ino culating , the content of chloro phyll a a nd b in the leaves of susceptible v arietiesw ere low er tha n tho se of cont rol, but the content o f chlo rophy ll a a nd b in the leav es o f resistant v arietiesw ere hig her tha n cont rol. Otherwise, the chang es o f chloro phyll a and b w ere dif ferently ef fected byraces o f dif ferent pathog enici ty , No. 7 race o fC. sojina w as the st rong est one to dest roy st ructure of chloroplast, the second o ne w as No. 6 race, the w eakest one w as No. 4 race, races No. 2 and No. 1 w ere in themiddle. The specific v alues of chlo rophy ll a and b in leav es o f resi stant va rieties w ere higher than tho se insusceptible va rieties, w e prelimina rily co nsidered that the specific value of chlo rophy ll a and b can be usedas a biochemical ma rker fo r identificatio n of soybea n resi stance to f rog e- eye leaf spot.
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作者简介: 刘亚光: (1968- ) ,女,东北农业大学讲师。现在读东北农业大学作物遗传与育种专业博士学位。