Zheng CuimingChang RuzhenQiu LijuanLi YuqingGuo Pei.RAPD ANALYSIS OF THREE SOYBEAN LINES FROMTHE CROSS OF ( Glycine soja× Glycine max ) × G. max[J].Soybean Science,2000,19(02):97-104.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2000.02.0097]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soy bean lines; Glycine soja × Gl ycine max ; RAPD markers
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本研究通过对育成品系及亲本DN A组成位点的分析,探讨亲本遗传物质在后代中所占的比例,为大豆育种提供理论指导。本研究所用的三个优良品系8702- 2- 4、8702- 2- 8、8650- 1- 4是从种间杂交组合{ (固新野生大豆( P1 ) (承豆1号( P2 ) (通交81- 1543( P3 ) } 选育出的。前2个姊妹系是在组合( P1× P2 ) 的F2 代用P3 进行回交选育成的, 8650- 1- 4是在组合( P1× P2 ) 的F1 代用P3 回交选育成的。用79个引物进行RAPD分析亲本及后代品系细胞核DN A,其中15个引物在亲本间具有多态性,这15个引物总扩增位点121个, P1、P2、P3的特异位点数分别是19、4、9个,表明野生大豆的遗传基础丰富。8702- 2- 4具有P1、P2、P3 的特异位点数分别是2、2、5个。8702- 2- 8具有P1、P2、P3 的特异位点数分别为1、2、8个,农艺性状表现更象P3 ,如荚熟色、褐斑率。8650- 1- 4具有P1、P2、P3 的特异位点数分别为11、1、2个, 在农艺性状上更多的继承了野生大豆的遗传特点,如多荚、多分枝。证明RAPD技术对于研究亲本和后代遗传关系是有效的。另外,亲本的一些特异位点在后代中加强,可能与杂种优势有关,但有待于进一步研究。
- Abstract:
- Three soybea n eli te lines( 8650- 1- 4 a nd 8702- 2- 4, 8702- 2- 8) w asdev elo ped by using Gly cine soja as female parent and Glycine max as male parent. 8650- 1- 4 was dev elo ped by backcrossing o f To ng jiao 81- 1543 wi th F1 o f ( G. so ja ×Chengdou No. 1) , and 8702- 2- 4, 8702- 2- 8 w ere dev eloped by backcrossing ofTongjiao 81 - 1543 wi th F2 o f ( G. soja × Cheng do u No. 1) . Parental and prog enynuclear DN A w as analy sised by RAPD method. A total o f 79 primers were a naly zedw ith parent s, fi f teen of w hich w ere po lymo rphic betw een parents. Using these 15primers, G. Soja amplified 19 special loci, 4 in Cheng dou a nd 9 in To ng jiaorespectiv ely , which indica tes that genetic backg round of G. soja di ffer f rom G. max .The number of special loci coming from G. so ja , Chengdou No. 1 and Tong jiao 81- 1543is 2, 2 and 5 for 8702- 2- 4; . 1, 2 and 8 fo r 8702- 2- 8; 11, 1 and 2 fo r 8650- 1- 4,respectiv ely. These resul ts w ere in accorda nce wi th their ag ro nomic characterperfo rmance, 8702- 2- 8 w as mo re simila r to Tong jiao 81- 1543 and 8650- 1- 4inheri ted more characters f rom G. soja , w hich indicated tha t RAPD markers i s an usefultoo l to study rela tionship betw een pa rent s and prog enies . In addition , w e also foundsome RAPD loci w ere st ronger in 8702- 2- 4 a nd 8702- 2- 8 than thei r parents, butthe mechani sm i s no t clear.
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