CHU Pan-pan.Selection of Food Preservatives to Promote Stability of Black Bean Red Pigment[J].Soybean Science,2022,41(02):205-219.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2022.02.0209]
- Title:
- Selection of Food Preservatives to Promote Stability of Black Bean Red Pigment
- Keywords:
- black bean red pigment; food preservatives; synthetic preservatives; natural preservatives; preservation rate of pigment
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为促进黑豆红色素的稳定性,对比不同类型食品防腐剂的作用效果,以黑豆红色素为试验材料,色素保存率为指标,从苯甲酸钠、丙酸钙、丙酸钠、山梨酸钾、对羟基苯甲酸乙酯、亚硝酸钠和漂白剂7种化学合成防腐剂及鱼精蛋白、溶菌酶、纳他霉素和乳酸链球菌素4种生物天然防腐剂中筛选能够促进黑豆红色素稳定性的食品防腐剂。结果表明:苯甲酸钠、丙酸钙、溶菌酶和山梨酸钾4种食品防腐剂对黑豆红色素溶液的稳定性具有破坏作用,色素保存率分别降低40%、50%、50%和35%;亚硝酸钠、纳他霉素、丙酸钠、漂白剂、乳酸链球菌素和对羟基苯甲酸乙酯6种食品防腐剂对黑豆红色素溶液具有辅色作用,色素保存率分别提高30%、20%、30%、80%、60%和30%;鱼精蛋白对黑豆红色素溶液的稳定性影响不显著。结果说明不同食品防腐剂对黑豆红色素的稳定性影响存在差异,且影响效果与防腐剂的类型无关。在食品生产加工过程中可以选择亚硝酸钠、纳他霉素、丙酸钠、漂白剂、乳酸链球菌素和对羟基苯甲酸乙酯等6种食品防腐剂来提高黑豆红色素的稳定性。
- Abstract:
- In order to promote the stability of black bean red pigment and compared the effects of different food preservatives, this study used black bean red pigment as experimental material and pigment retention rate as index, seven synthetic preservatives, including sodium benzoate, calcium propionate, sodium propionate, potassium sorbate, ethyl phydroxybenzoate, sodium nitrite and bleach, and four biological natural preservatives including protamine, lysozyme, natamycin and nisin were screened to promote the stability of black soybean red pigment. The results showed that sodium benzoate, calcium propionate, lysozyme and potassium sorbate had damage effect on the stability of black bean red pigment solution, and preservation rate of pigment decreased by 40%, 50%, 50% and 35%, respectively. Six kinds of food preservatives, such as sodium nitrite, natamycin, sodium propionate, bleach, streptococcus lactin and ethyl paraben, had complementary color effect on the red pigment solution of black bean, and preservation rate of pigment was increased by 30%, 20%, 30%, 80%, 60% and 30%, respectively. Protamine had no significant effect on the stability of black bean red pigment solution (P>0.05). The results showed that different food preservatives had different effects on the stability of black bean red pigment, and the effect was independent of the type of preservatives. In the process of food production and processing, six food preservatives such as sodium nitrite, natamycin, sodium propionate, bleach, streptococcus lactin and ethyl paraben can be selected to improve the stability of black bean red pigment.
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