HAO Qing-nan,WANG Ai-ai,LONG Ze-fu,et al.Effects of DA-6 on the Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Soybean Varieties in South China[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(06):799-804.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.06.0799]
- Title:
- Effects of DA-6 on the Characteristics,Yield and Quality of Soybean Varieties in South China
- Keywords:
- Southern soybean; DA-6; Photosynthetic characteristics; Agronomic traits; Yield; Quality
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为研究DA-6对不同南方大豆品种的调控效应,本研究以中豆63、皖豆28、中豆41和油6019等4个不同特性南方大豆品种为材料,于初花期和鼓粒期叶面喷施DA-6,研究DA-6处理对大豆光合特性、农艺性状、产量及其构成因素、品质等方面的影响。结果显示:叶面喷施DA-6可提高大豆叶片的叶绿素含量、光合速率、水分利用率以及气孔导度, 进而调节大豆光合作用。DA-6处理后,各品种农艺性状、产量及其构成因素和品质性状变化存在差异。4个品种株高均降低、主茎节数均增加。高蛋白品种皖豆28株高降低幅度最大,株高偏低的中豆41株高降幅最小;高蛋白品种皖豆28主茎节数增加幅度最小。各品种的产量构成因素均有所改善,中豆63、皖豆28、中豆41和油6019分别增产9.5%、8.8%、10%和2.7%。DA-6处理后,中豆63、中豆41和油6019的蛋白含量分别降低0.2%、0.4%和0.3%,皖豆28蛋白含量无变化;中豆63的脂肪含量降低0.2%;皖豆28脂肪含量不变;中豆41和油6019脂肪含量分别增加0.4%和0.1%。DA-6处理后,不同品种产量、蛋白及脂肪含量变化幅度与不同农艺性状变化的关系存在差异。研究结果说明,DA-6处理对不同特性南方大豆品种光合性状、农艺性状、产量及品质的影响存在差异。
- Abstract:
- In order to study the regulatory effect of DA-6 on different soybean varieties in South China, we selected 4 soybean varieties Zhongdou 41, Wandou 28, You6019 and Zhongdou 63 with different genotype for study, sprayed DA-6 on the leaves during the initial bloom stage and seed filling stage, and studied the effects of DA-6 treatment on photosynthetic characteristics, agronomic traits, yield and its components, and quality of soybean. The results showed that DA-6 could improve the chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency and stomatal conductance of different soybean varieties in South China, and then regulate photosynthesis. There were differences in agronomic traits, yield components and quality traits among varieties treated with DA-6. The plant height decreased and the nodes number of main stem increased in all cultivars. The plant height of high protein variety Wandou 28 decreased the most, and the plant height of low variety Wandou 41 decreased the lest, and the nodes number of main stem of high protein variety Wandou 28 increased the lest. The yield components different of varieties improved, and the yield of Zhongdou 63, Wandou 28, Zhongdou 41 and You 6019 increased by 9.5%, 8.8%, 10% and 2.7% respectively. After treated with DA-6, the protein content of Zhongdou 63, Zhongdou 41 and You 6019 decreased by 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.3% respectively, but the protein content of Wandou 28 didn’t change, the fat content of Zhongdou 63 decreased by 0.2%, the fat content of Wandou 28 didn’t change. The fat content of Zhongdou 41 and You 6019 increased by 0.4% and 0.1% respectively. The changes of yield, protein and fat content in different cultivars was different from the changes of agronomic traits after treated with DA-6. The results showed that DA-6 treatment promoted the yield of southern soybean varieties, and had different effects on photosynthetic, agronomic and quality traits of different varieties. The effects on photosynthetic traits, agronomic traits, yield and quality of southern soybean varieties with different specific of DA-6 treatment were different.
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