FENG Liang,WANG Shu-bin,YANG Wen-ting,et al.Effects of Maize Soybean Intercropping Patterns on Soybean Agronomic Characters and Yield in Upland Red Soil[J].Soybean Science,2020,39(06):882-890.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2020.06.0882]
- Title:
- Effects of Maize Soybean Intercropping Patterns on Soybean Agronomic Characters and Yield in Upland Red Soil
- Keywords:
- Intercropping; Upland red soil; Soybean; Agronomic characters; Dry matter accumulation; Yield
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为发展玉米大豆间作产业,提高间作模式的作物产量,筛选适宜于江西红壤旱地玉米间作大豆带宽、行比配置的最佳模式,本研究设置2.0,2.4和2.8 m不同带宽,2∶2、2∶3和2∶4不同玉米大豆行比配置,以玉米单作、大豆单作分别为对照组,分析不同带宽、行比配置下间作模式对大豆叶面积指数、干物质积累量、干物质相对增长速率及产量的影响。结果表明:带宽2.4 m模式下,大豆株高、茎粗、百粒重、单株荚数、单株粒重最佳。带宽相同,增加行比配置,大豆产量增加;行比相同,增加带宽配置,大豆产量降低。单作大豆产量最高,为823.11 kg?hm-2;间作模式下带宽2.4 m、行比2∶4产量较好,为736.4 kg?hm-2,较大豆单作减产11.77%,比带宽2.4 m、行比2∶3模式增产17.29%。带宽2.4 m模式下,增加行比配置有利于大豆叶面积指数、干物质、相对生长速率和产量的增加。灰色关联度结果表明:单株粒重对大豆产量的影响最大,带宽2.4 m配置下大豆的单株粒重最大、产量较优。综上,带宽2.4 m、行比2∶4模式为最佳田间配置,可为江西省红壤旱地发展玉米间作大豆模式提供理论依据。
- Abstract:
- In order to develop maize-soybean intercropping industry, improve crop yield under intercropping mode and select the optimal configuration mode of soybean bandwidth and row ratio suitable for maize intercropping in upland red soil of Jiangxi Province, this experiment set three different bandwidths of 2.0, 2.4 and 2.8 m, and three different maize-soybean row ratio configurations of 2∶2, 2∶3 and 2∶4, taking maize single cropping, and soybean single cropping respectively as control group. The differences of leaf area index(LAI), dry matter accumulation, relative growth rate of dry matter and yield of intercropping soybean under different belt width and row ratio were studied. The results showed that, under the belt width of 2.4 m, plant height, stem diameter, 100-seed weight, pods number per plant, and seeds weight per plant were the best. With the same bandwidth, when the row ratio increased, the soybean yield increased. And with the same row ratio, when the soybean yield decreased, the bandwidth configuration increased. The yield of monocropping soybean was the highest as 823.11 kg?ha-1. The yield of intercropping with 2.4 m bandwidth and 2∶4 row ratio was 736.4 kg?ha-1, better than other intercropping treatments. Compared with monoculture soybean, the yield decreased by 11.77%, and was 17.29% higher than that of2.4 mbandwidth and 2∶3 row ratio. Under the bandwidth of 2.4 m, the increase of row ratio was beneficial to the increase of soybean leaf area index, relative growth rate of soybean dry matter and soybean yield. From the result of grey correlation, it could be seen that the correlation of seed weight per plant was the largest. In the configuration with a bandwidth of 2.4 m, the seed weight per plant was the largest and the yield was better, indicating that the seed weight per plant had the greatest impact on soybean yield. To sum up, the best field configuration is 2.4 m width and 2∶4 row ratio, which can provide theoretical basis for the development of maize soybean intercropping model in upland red soil of Jiangxi Province.Keywords:
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