CHEN Nian,FAN Jing-sheng,LIU Si-lin,et al.Effects of Green Manure-Corn-Soybean Rotation System on the Crop Yield and Quality[J].Soybean Science,2020,39(04):555-563.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2020.04.0555]
- Title:
- Effects of Green Manure-Corn-Soybean Rotation System on the Crop Yield and Quality
- Keywords:
- Rotary system; Tillage method; Living mulch; Yield; Quality
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了明确绿肥—玉米—大豆轮作体系对在华南地区的农业生产的影响,本研究将冬种绿肥作物(黑麦草、白三叶草)作为植生覆盖作物,以冬季杂草休闲为对照,配合不同的耕作方式(免耕、旋耕),探究绿肥—玉米—大豆的轮作体系对作物产量及品质的影响。结果表明:不同的覆盖作物和耕作方式对绿肥作物的养分和产量有一定的影响,同时免耕黑麦草较适合作为玉米的前茬,可有效抑制玉米种植期间杂草的发生。绿肥—玉米—大豆的轮作对于大豆的产量及品质无显著影响,但黑麦草作为冬季覆盖作物对增加夏大豆的产量具有一定的促进作用。
- Abstract:
- In order to clarify the impact of the green manure-corn-soybean rotation system on agricultural production in South China, we adopt winter green manure crops(rye grass, white clover) as living mulch cover crops, traditional weed controlling as a control and different cultivation methods (no-till, rotary tillage) on the experiment field. The results showed that different cover crops and tillage methods had certain effects on the nutrients and yield of green manure crops. At the same time, no-till-ryegrass was more suitable as a fore crop for corn, and it could effectively inhibits the growth of weeds during corn planting. The rotation of green manure-corn-soybean had no significant effects on the soybean yield and seed quality. However, as a winter cover crop, ryegrass had a certain promotion effect on increasing of the summer soybean yield.
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