HUANG Bing-lin,WANG Meng-xue,JIN Xi-jun,et al.Effects of Different Intertillage Methods on Soil Moisture and Soybean Yield[J].Soybean Science,2020,39(01):68-75.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2020.01.0068]
- Title:
- Effects of Different Intertillage Methods on Soil Moisture and Soybean Yield
- Keywords:
- Intertillage; Ridge; Subsoiling; Soil moisture content; Yield
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为揭示不同中耕措施对土壤水分与大豆产量的影响,综合考虑中耕的深松深度,深松与培土时间、深松和培土次数,设置提前培土、提前深松、常规深松和常规培土4种不同中耕措施处理,研究不同中耕措施对土壤状况、水分含量及大豆生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明:深松较培土降低了土壤容重,降幅为3.1%~6.4%。深松提高了水分入渗率,进而提高了土壤的含水量与贮水量,提前深松、常规深松处理均显著高于常规培土处理的含水量,在苗期0~5 cm土层中较常规培土处理分别显著提高10.8%和19.1%,结荚期与成熟期的土壤含水量依旧显著高于常规培土处理。提前深松和常规深松处理的土壤贮水量均显著高于常规培土处理,在结荚期差异最大,分别较常规培土处理显著提高21.5%和16.3%。提前中耕或者深松均提高了叶面积指数,结荚期的提前培土、提前深松和常规深松处理较常规培土处理分别显著提高了28.5%、32.2%和22.7%。大豆前中期的株高表现为提前深松较常规培土处理显著提高,而后期差异不大。提前深松通过降低土壤容重和提高土壤含水量与贮水量,促使大豆叶面积指数和株高的增加,使得各器官的干物质积累更高,进而提高了大豆产量,最终提前深松的产量较常规培土处理提高8.7%。研究结果表明提前深松有助于该地区大豆产量的提高。
- Abstract:
- In order to reveal the effects of different intertillage measures on soil moisture and soybean yield. Considering the depth of subsoiling, time and frequency of subsoiling and ridge, we set four tillage methods, including advance ridge, advance subsoiling, conventional subsoiling and conventional ridge in this study. Measures to study the effects of different intertillage measures on soil condition, moisture content, growth and soybean yield. The results showed that subsoiling of the bulk density of soil decreased by 3.1%-6.4% compared with that of the ridge. The moisture content of advance subsoiling and conventional subsoiling in each soil layer was significantly higher than that of conventional ridge at each stage. Advance subsoiling and conventional subsoiling were significantly higher than that of conventional ridge by 10.8% and 19.1% respectively in 0-5 cm soil layer at seedling stage. The soil water storage amount of advance subsoiling and conventional subsoiling was significantly higher than that of conventional ridge, with the largest difference in pod bearing stage, which was 21.5% and 16.3% higher than that of conventional ridge, respectively. Advanced subsoiling or ridge increased LAI, among which PT1, advance subsoiling and conventional subsoiling at pod stage significantly increased by 28.5%, 32.2% and 22.7% respectively compared with conventional ridge. Plant height in the early and middle stages of soybean was significantly increased in advance subsoiling compared with conventional ridge, while there was little difference in the later stages. By reducing soil bulk density and increasing soil moisture content and water storage advance subsoiling promoted the increase of soybean LAI and soybean height, resulting in higher dry matter accumulation in various organs, and finally increased the yield of soybean. Finally, the yield of advance subsoiling increased by 8.7% compared with that of conventional ridge. This research indicated that advanced subsoiling was helpful to the increase of soybean yield in this region.
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