TIAN Ya,LI Dan,HU Ping,et al.Study on the Characteristics of Tofu Gels Formed by Different Coagulant[J].Soybean Science,2018,37(04):606-613.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2018.04.0606]
- Title:
- Study on the Characteristics of Tofu Gels Formed by Different Coagulant
- Keywords:
- Coagulant; Tofu; Gel properties; Differentiation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为研究不同凝固剂生产的豆腐凝胶特性的差异,以单一凝固剂(酸浆、硫酸钙、氯化镁)及复合凝固剂(酸浆复配硫酸钙)分别制备豆腐凝胶,研究不同凝固剂对形成的豆腐凝胶pH、凝胶强度和持水力的影响,并比较豆腐凝胶的微观结构,探究复配凝固剂对豆腐形成凝胶特性的影响。结果表明:随着不同凝固剂添加量的增加,豆腐凝胶pH均呈现下降趋势,但下降速率有所不同;不同凝固剂制备的豆腐凝胶凝固速率不同,凝固速率氯化镁>硫酸钙,而复配凝固剂凝固速率先慢后快;单一凝固剂随添加量的增大,凝胶强度和持水力先增大后减小;复配凝固剂制作的豆腐凝胶三维结构稳定,蛋白分子交联度较高,凝胶网络间孔隙分布均匀,其微观结构优于单一凝固剂制备的豆腐凝胶。
- Abstract:
- The study aimes at the differentiation of tofu produced with different coagulants. The tofu gel was prepared by single coagulant (acid pulp, calcium sulfate, magnesium chloride) and compound coagulant (sour calcium sulfate) respectively, and then the impact of different coagulant on the pH, gel strength and water holding of the tofu gel were researched. Meanwhile, the microstructures of tofu gel were compared, and the effect of compound coagulants on the tofu gel properties was studied. The results showed that the pH of tofu gel showed a downward trend with the addition of different coagulants, but the rate of decline were different.The solidification rate of tofu gel produced by different coagulants were different, the solidification rate of magnesium chloride>calcium sulfate, solidification rate of the compound coagulant was slowly first and then faster. The gel strength and the water holding power showed first increase and then decrease with the adding amount of single coagulant increasing. The tofu gel prepared by compound coagulant has stable three-dimensional structure, higher degree of cross linking of protein molecule, homogeneous distribution pore between gel network of which the microstructure was better than that of tofu gel prepared by single coagulant.
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