YANG Yan-li,LI Da-hong,LI Hong-yan.Overexpression of PpCuZnSOD Gene Improves Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Soybean[J].Soybean Science,2018,37(04):525-530.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2018.04.0525]
- Title:
- Overexpression of PpCuZnSOD Gene Improves Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Soybean
- Keywords:
- Overexpression; PpCuZnSOD; Salt tolerance; Soybean
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为研究桃(Prunus persica L.)自由基清除剂CuZnSOD编码基因对于大豆耐盐性的促进作用,将桃PpCuZnSOD全长基因克隆到连有35S启动子的表达载体上,并通过农杆菌导入大豆基因组中,通过PCR和Southern杂交方法检测阳性转基因植株,并对T2代转基因植株进行基因表达量分析和耐盐性评估。结果表明:转基因植株有较高的耐盐性,表现为种子萌发率和存活率高,叶绿素含量高。转基因植株在盐胁迫下存活时间更长,与非转基因植株相比,转基因植株的SOD、POD、CAT酶活性较高,而丙二醛含量显著降低。研究结果表明PpCuZnSOD基因过表达可以显著提高大豆植株的SOD活性水平,缓解盐胁迫对大豆的氧化损伤。
- Abstract:
- In order to study the enhanced effect of CuZnSOD encoding gene of peach on salt tolerance of soybean, a full-length cDNA of a CuZnSOD from peach(Prunus persica L.) PpCuZnSOD was cloned, and the target gene is introduced into the soybean genome via Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The transgenic plants was detected by PCR, Southern blot and quantitative real time PCR. Two transgenic soybean lines of T2 generation were recruited and treated with 150 mmol·L-1 NaCl, which simulating salt conditions. The results showed that transgenic soybean plants had high salt tolerance. The seed germination rates, survival rate and the contents of chlorophyll were higher than that of wild-type. Transgenic plants had more high SOD, POD and CAT activities, while less MDA content under salt stress compared with wild-type plants. Our results substantiate that increased levels of SOD activity brought about by overexpression of PpCuZnSOD gene may play an important role in ameliorating oxidative injury induced by salt stress.
ZHANG Ye,ZHANG Han-zhu,DU Ye-yao,et al.Physiological and Biochemical Responses of GmXTH1 Overexpression Soybean to Drought Stress at Seedling Stage[J].Soybean Science,2021,40(04):327.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2021.03.0327]
LIU Su-shuang,LI Xin-yu,WANG Ze-bo,et al.Functional Analysis of Soybean GmPM31 Gene and Transformation into Arabidopsis thaliana[J].Soybean Science,2022,41(04):526.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2022.05.0526]