[1]Mikhail SINEGOVSKII,Shan YUAN,Valentina SINEGOVSKAYA,等.Current Status of the Soybean Industry and Research in the Russian Federation[J].大豆科学,2018,37(01):1-7.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2018.01.0001]
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Current Status of the Soybean Industry and Research in the Russian Federation


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Foundations:The Project for Introducing Foreign Technological and Management Talents (20170326002), State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, China; Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Project, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Biography:Mikhail SINEGOVSKII(1988-), male, Ph.D., senior researcher. Research area: Soybean economy. E-mail: sinmikhail@gmail.com.
Corresponding author:Tianfu HAN(1963-), male, Ph.D., professor. Research area: Soybean breeding. E-mail: hantianfu@caas.cn.

更新日期/Last Update: 2018-03-09