SUN Feng-wen,MIN De-xiu,SUN En-hui,et al.Preparation of BioAdhesive Based on Soya Bean Meal for Plywood[J].Soybean Science,2016,35(02):301-305.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2016.02.0301]
SUN Feng-wen,MIN De-xiu,SUN En-hui,et al.Preparation of BioAdhesive Based on Soya Bean Meal for Plywood[J].Soybean Science,2016,35(02):301-305.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2016.02.0301]
- Title:
- Preparation of BioAdhesive Based on Soya Bean Meal for Plywood
- Keywords:
- Soya bean meal (SBM); Biomass glue adhesion agent; Waterresistant bonding strength; Viscosity
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用氢氧化钠和乙醇改性剂处理豆粕粉(SBM),用硫脲作交联剂,选用十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)表面活性剂制备出具有较好耐水性能的木材用胶黏剂。研究pH、乙醇、硫脲及SDS用量对杨木胶合板耐水胶合强度的影响,并结合浴比(物料质量比)因素,探讨退粘剂(硫酸)对反应体系黏度和胶合强度的作用机理。借助扫描电子显微镜(SEM)分析手段阐明退粘剂对豆粕粉胶黏剂黏度及耐水性增强效应。结果表明:当pH13、乙醇用量15%、硫脲用量7%及SDS为5%,浴比为1∶3.5(豆粕粉质量为基准)时,耐水胶合强度可达0.98 MPa,当加入0.5%退粘剂后,黏度由84 520 mPa.s降低至1 239 mPa.s,胶接强度增加18.07%。SEM结果发现豆粕粉胶黏剂固化断面胶接致密,有效改善了胶液黏度和耐水胶合性能。
- Abstract:
- An investigation was conducted to improve the water resistance performance of bioadhesive based on soya bean meal (SBM) for plywood. Using sodium hydroxide and ethanol, thiourea and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as modified and crosslinking agent, and the effects of pH, ethanol, thiourea and SDS dosage on water resistance were studied in this paper, as well as the functional mechanism of sulfuric acid for the viscosity and bond strength of the reaction system by virtue of scanning electron microscope (SEM).The results indicated that optimal synthesis parameters were pH13.0, ethanol usage 15%, thiourea 7% and SDS 5% (based on the mass of SBM), the ration of solution 1∶3.5, respectively.While added about 0.5% of sulfuric acid into the SBM adhesive, the bonding strength was improved up to 0.98 MPa from 0.83 MPa.So was the viscosity, from 84 520 mPa?s drop to 1 239 mPa?s.It is presumed that the intermolecular hydrogen bonding interaction weaken and the curing fracture surface densification was observed from SEM graph.These may explain why such SBM adhesive existed better resistant to water.
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