MA Hai-lin,FAN Zhi-xiang,AN Wei,et al.Emergence and Genetic Variation of Vegetable Soybean Treated with Plasma Implantation Mutation Method[J].Soybean Science,2009,28(06):990-993,999.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2009.06.990]
- Title:
- Emergence and Genetic Variation of Vegetable Soybean Treated with Plasma Implantation Mutation Method
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2009)06-0990-04
- Keywords:
- Plasma implantation; Emergence rate; Genetic variation
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 探索不同剂量N+注入对菜用大豆出苗率及后代遗传变异的影响。以12个菜用大豆品种为材料,用等离子注入法以3种不同剂量的氮离子(N+)处理后研究不同品种的出苗率差异以及后代的遗传变异。结果表明:N+在6×1016、8×1016、1×10173个剂量下均显著降低了菜用大豆种子的出苗率,但F测验的结果显示3个剂量处理间差异不显著,而不同品种间的出苗率差异达到极显著水平。后代的遗传变异研究表明有些植株虽在诱变当代产生变异,出现叶片增大,植株变高,豆荚变长变宽等变异,但在变异株的后代中没有表现出来;另外发现有些植株虽在诱变处理当代没有表型变异,但在后代中出现了株高、花色与叶形等方面的分离。
- Abstract:
- The objective of the study is to explore influence of different doses of N+implantation on vegetable soybean seeding emergence rate and genetic variation of future generations.We studied the seedling emergence rate and genetic variation of offspring with 12 soybean varieties using plasma implantation method with three different doses(6×1016,8×1016,1×1017)of nitrogen ion.The seedling emergence rates of all soybean varieties were reduced by three doses of nitrogen ion;no significant difference for seedling emergence rate was detected using the F test among three treatment,but the differences of seedling emergence rate among varieties reached significant levels.The study on genetic variation of generations showed that some plants have contemporary variation in mutation,such as the larger leaves,the higher plants,the longer and wider pod,etc.,but these differences did not occur in the mutant offspring.We also found some plants showed no phenotype variation in M1,but segregation of character related to plant height,flower color and leaf shape occurred in their offspring.
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