Gong Xuechen Ji Jing Wang Gang Wang Ping.GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF PSY INTO SOYBEAN BY PARTICLE BOMBARDMENT[J].Soybean Science,2006,25(02):137-140.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2006.02.0137]
基因枪对大豆进行 PSY 基因的转化研究*
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Particle bombardment ; PSY gene ; Soybean; Somatic embryogenesis; Genetic Transformation
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以 3 个大豆品种的体细胞胚为受体,以 PSY 为目的基因 ,应用基因枪法对大豆进行了遗传转化 ,实验结果表明 :不同大豆基因型的体细胞胚对抗性选择标记(Hyg)的敏感性存在极显著差异;高渗处理的培养基加入 0. 4mol /L 甘露醇有利于 PSY 基因的导入;对已获得 10 株抗性再生苗,经 PCR 和 PCR- Southern 分析鉴定 ,有 4 株为阳性,初步证明外源基因 PSY 已整合到大豆的基因组中。
- Abstract:
- Using somatic embryogenesis of three varieties of soybean as acceptor , PSY gene were trans-formed into soybean via particle bombardment. The results showed:the sensitivity of somatic embryo ofsoybean with different genotypes to resistance selective marker(Hyg) is significantly different ;high os-motic pressure medium with 0. 4mol /L mannitol was beneficial for the transformation of target gene. 10resistant regenerated plants were obtained from the three varieties, 4 plants gave positive reaction in PCRand PCR- Southern analysis from the gene transferred plants ,indicating that PSY has been transferred intogenome of soybean.
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Gong Xuechen Ji Jing Kang Yanhong Wang Gang Wu Ying Wang Ping.GENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF PHYTOENE SYNTHASE GENE(PSY )INTO SOYBEAN[J].Soybean Science,2005,24(02):30.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2005.01.0030]
项目来源:“国家植物转基因技术研究开发与中试基地建设”专项课题(项目编号 J99 - B - 001) 作者简介:龚学臣(1963 -), 男, 硕士, 副教授, 研究方向植物基因工程。E - mail:gxc2004@yeah. net 通讯作者:季静, 教授