Zhi HaijianGai Junyi* *He Xiaohong.STUDY ON METHODS OF CLASSIFICATION OF QUANTITATIVE RESISTANCETO SOYBEAN MOSAIC VIRUS IN SOYBEAN[J].Soybean Science,2005,24(01):5-11.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2005.01.0005]
大豆对 SMV 数量(程度)抗性的综合分级方法研究*
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soybean mosaic virus (SMV); Quantitative resistance ; Cluster and discrimination analysis; Synthetic disease index (SDI)
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 选用 63 个不同抗性类型的代表品种, 进行接种大豆花叶病毒病, 分析了品种发病率 、病级、潜育期和病害扩展速度 4 个数量抗性组分的遗传变异特点, 以 4 个组分为基础指标, 对 63 个品种的程度抗性进行了聚类分析。发现在距离约为 0. 38 时, 63 个品种被分成免疫 、高抗 、中抗、中间、中感和高感 6种类型 ,在聚类分析的基础上建立了各抗性级别的判别函数 ;另外 ,利用发病率 、病级和接种至最大病情的天数构建了度量数量抗性强弱的综合病情指数(SDI),提出各抗性级别的临界标准;并对同一批材料聚类和判别分析分级结果与综合病情指数分级结果进行了比较 ,结果显示两种方法可取得类似的分级效果, 而综合病情指数是对感病对照的相对统计量 ,不受时间、地点和批次的限制 ,便于不同环境下品种抗性的鉴定以及品种间抗性的比较, 且简单易行。因此, 综合病情指数可作为对 SMV 数量抗性鉴定的分级指标 。
- Abstract:
- The diseased rate , latent period, rate of disease development and disease rank of 63 soybean cul-tivars were evaluated after inoculation with strain Sa. Based on four resistant components , cluster analysiswas conducted , Results showed that 63 soybean cultivars were divided into 6 resistance types , namely immune , highly resistance , moderately resistance , moderate , moderately susceptibility and highly suscepti-bility. Besides immune , discrimination function formulas of 5 types of resistance cultivars were estab-lished. A synthetic disease index (SDI)by mean of diseased rate , disease rank and days from inoculation tomaximum disease index was given. Results of cluster analysis basically conformed to result of syntheticdisease index classification. Therefore , SDI can be used in evaluation of cultivars quantitative resistance tosoybean mosaic virus.
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