Tao Da nYin TianfuWang PingSong Haix ingMa ShuyingLi JipingZhang Ra ng tang.THE STUDY ON HEAT SHOCK PROTEIAI ( HSP) OFWILD SOYBEAN ( Gl ycine soja )Ⅱ . Comparative Study o n HSP Induced Synthesis of Wild Soy bean( Glycine soja ) f rom the Low er Reaches o f the So nghua Riv er and the Yang t ze Riv er[J].Soybean Science,1998,17(04):353-357.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.04.0353]
野生大豆( Gl ycine soja )热击蛋白( HSP)的研究Ⅱ .松花江下游和长江下游地区野生大豆HSP诱导合成的比较
- Title:
- THE STUDY ON HEAT SHOCK PROTEIAI ( HSP) OFWILD SOYBEAN ( Gl ycine soja )Ⅱ . Comparative Study o n HSP Induced Synthesis of Wild Soy bean( Glycine soja ) f rom the Low er Reaches o f the So nghua Riv er and the Yang t ze Riv er
- Keywords:
- Wild Soybean ( Gl ycine soja ) ; HSP; Induced synthesis
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本文对松花江下游地区野生大豆“ 01- 32”和长江下游地区野生大豆“ 20122”的发育胚根在40℃条件下进行2, 4, 6, 8和10hr 的热击处理,分析比较其热击蛋白( HSP)诱导合成的种类、累积量及累积动态。研究结果表明: 在HSP合成种类上,除热击2hr 为松花江下游野生大豆多于长江下游野生大豆,其它热击时间均为后者多于前者; 小分子量蛋白的种类,在各热击时间均为长江下游野生大豆多于松花江下游野生大豆。关于HSP的累积量,除热击6hr 长江下游野生大豆略低于松花江下游野生大豆,其它热击时间均为前者明显高于后者。
- Abstract:
- The seedlings of wild soybean ( Gl ycine soja ) "01- 32" from the low er reaches of theSonghua Riv er and "20122" f rom the lower reaches of the Yangt ze Riv er under 40℃ f or 2, 4,6, 8 and 10hr for analysing the kinds and the accumulation of Heat Shock Pro tein ( HSP) . Theresult s indicat ed that the kinds of HSP of wild soybean from the lower reaches of the Yang tzeRiv er was more than that of wild soybean from the lower reaches of the Songhua River, besidesof the resul t of 2hr. The accumulation of HSP of wi ld soybean from the lower reaches ofthe Yang tze River was a lit tle lower than that of wild soybean from the lower reaches of theSonghua Riv er under 40℃ fo r 6hr, but f or other heat shock time, the accumulations of HSPof the former w ere obviously higher than that of the la tter.
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