Cuo Ro ng junLiu Xing zho ngYang Huaiw en.STUDIES ON CONTROL OF SOYBEAN CYST NEMATODEDISEASE BY RHIZOBACTEVIA[J].Soybean Science,1998,17(03):202-206.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.03.0202]
大豆根际细菌Ⅱ 拮抗大豆孢囊线虫研究
- Title:
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 对11株根际细菌进行自然病土温室防治大豆孢囊线虫筛选试验,得到防效较高菌株4株,防效为: JN JQ1 - P( 1) , 71. 8% ( p= 0. 01) ; JN JQ1- A5- 1 , 69. 3%( p= 0. 01) ; SY- N S, 65. 85% ( p= 0. 05) ; Q SG- LD- 6, 57. 5% ( p= 0. 05) ,前3株菌的除菌发酵液对大豆孢囊线虫二龄幼虫致死率在99. 6%以上。
- Abstract:
- Some rhi zobacteria w ere chosen to test their a bili ty to suppress so ybean cy st nematodein ma tural soi l which had been infested by SCN for sev era l years ( 50 cy st s /100gdry soi l) in the g reenhouse. Four o f them, namely JN JQ1- P( 1) , JN JQ1 - A5- 1 , SYNS and QSG- LD- 6, showed promising cont rol ef ficacy , the number of SCN o n soybean ro ot s w as reducedov er71. 8% ( p= 0. 01) , 69. 3% ( p= 0. 01) , 65. 8% ( p= 0. 05) a nd 57. 5% ( p=0. 05) by those 4 iso lates. The seco nd stag e juv eniles of SCN w ere killed when treatedw ith fementatio n solution of four bacteria abov e 93. 3% .
[1 ] Oos t endorp, M.& Siko ra, R. A, Rev ue Nematol. , 1989, 12( 1): 77~ 83
[1]郭荣君 刘杏忠 杨怀文.大豆根际细菌Ⅰ 拮抗大豆根腐病菌研究[J].大豆科学,1998,17(01):53.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.01.0053]
Guo Rong junLiu Xing zhongYa ng Huaiw en.SOYBEAN R HI ZOB ACTE RIA I: STUDIES ONCONTROL OF SOYBEAN ROOT ROT DISEASE[J].Soybean Science,1998,17(03):53.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.01.0053]