Fei FuhuaTan YujunZhou Maofan.PRELIMINARY STUDY ON THE CORRELATION BETWEENSOYBEAN RUST INFECTION AND PEROXIDASE ISOENZYMES[J].Soybean Science,1997,16(02):107-112.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1997.02.0107]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soybean rus t; Peroxidase; Isoenzymes
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳,研究了大豆锈病不同严重度、离病斑中心不同距离,以及抗感锈病不同品种接种后病程与过氧化物酶同工酶的关系,结果表明:发病不同严重度(Ⅰ ~ Ⅲ 级)比对照(未接种0级)酶谱带多1~ 2条,活性由大到小依次为Ⅱ 级> Ⅰ 级> Ⅲ 级> 0级; 离病斑中心越近酶带越多,且酶活性越强;随着接种时间的推迟( 0~ 32小时)过氧化物酶带数增多,酶活性增强; 抗病品种与感病品种接种后相同时间进行比较,抗病品种比感病品种多1~ 4条酶带,且其酶活性亦较高; Rf值0. 78~ 0. 85间的酶谱与大豆锈病的发生发展有着密切关系。
- Abstract:
- Using v ertical g el elect rophoresis, we s tudied the correlation between peroxidase isoenzymeand soybean rust of dif ferent s everit y and different distance apart f rom diseas e spot’ scenter and dif ferent time af ter inoculation in resis tant and susceptible varieties. The resultsshowed that there was one or tw o more isoenzyme pat tern bands in diff erent inf ection s everit y( from Ⅰ to Ⅲ grade) than CK t reatment ( Uninoculated, 0 g rade) . Peroxidase activi ty f romhigh t o low was Ⅱ grade> Ⅰ g rade Ⅲ g rade> 0 grade. The closer dist ance apart f rom diseasespo t’ s center and the period aft er inoculation in resis tant and susceptible varieties themore s tronger activit y and the more enzyme pat tern bands. Comparing resis tant and susceptiblev arieti es at the same time af ter inocula tion, the resis tant one had 1 to 4 more enzyme pattern bands and s t ronger enzyme activit y than sus ceptible one. Besides there was clos e correlationbetween RF value ( 0. 78 to 0. 85) and development of soybean rus t.
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SHAN Zhi-hui,SHAN Lian-min,WANG Xian-zhi,et al.Evaluation of resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi in Glycine soja[J].Soybean Science,2008,27(02):888.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2008.05.0888]
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