Nia n HaiWang JinlingYang XiaoxinYa ng Qing kai Chen yiLuan Xiaoyan.STUDY ON STABILITY OF MAIN CHEMICAL TRAITS IN SOYBEANS[J].Soybean Science,1997,16(02):118-124.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1997.02.0118]
- Title:
- Keywords:
- Soy bean chemical t rai ts; Stabili ty; Cor relations
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以生育期相近的25个品系为材料,在8个地点同时进行试验,对大豆的主要品质性状的稳定性进行了研究。结果表明,主要品质性状的稳定性存在明显差异,蛋白质+ 脂肪总量最稳定,其次是蛋白质含量及脂肪含量,这3个性状均较各脂肪酸稳定,亚麻酸的稳定性最差,这也表明其最易受环境的影响。不同品种同一性状的稳定性也存在明显差异。蛋白质含量、脂肪含量及蛋白质+ 脂肪含量与其本身的稳定性无关,亚麻酸含量低的品系稳定性较好。稳定性回归系数法分析表明,亚麻酸、油酸及亚油酸之间的回归系数都呈极显著正相关,同时蛋白质和蛋白质+ 脂肪总量的回归系数也呈极显著正相关。各品质性状的变异系数和稳定性回归系数都呈显著正相关,表明二种方法都同样有效。品种间每一品质性状稳定性的明显差异表明,对品种进行品质性状的稳定性分析是必不可少的。
- Abstract:
- Tw enty fiv e soybea n lines of same maturi ty g roup w ere g row n at eig ht locatio nsand main chemical t rait s w ere determined to co nduct the stabili ty a nalysi s for theset rait s. The resul ts indicated that g rea t di fferences in stabi li ty o f these t rait s existed.Pro tein+ oi l content w as the most stable, and protein a nd oil content s w ere mo re stablethan fat acids contents. Linolenic acid was the least stable among these t rait s, showingthat i t w as mo re easily affected by envi ro nment s. Meanwhile, stabi li ty of lines ineach chemical t rait s w as also remarkablely dif ferent . Protein, oil a nd pro tein+ oil contentsw ere not co rrela ted wi th thei r stabilities, but linolenic acid co ntent w as bo th significa nt ly and posi tively associa ted wi th i ts stabili ty. The reg ressio n analy sis show edthat the stabili ty reg ressio n coefficient of lino lenic o leic and lino leic acids w ere sig nificantly and posi tiv ely co rrela ted a nd the same wa s true fo r tha t o f pro tein and protein +oil co ntents. The CV (% ) of each chemical trait w as also sig nificantly and posi tiverycor related w ith it s stabili ty reg ression coefficient, indicating tha t bo th methods for stabili ty a nalysi s w ere effectiv e. On the whole, rema rkable di fferences o f lines in stabi li tyo f each chemical t rai t sugg ested that stabili ty analy sis fo r these trai t s be indispensable.
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[1]张桂茹 杜维广 栾晓燕 满为群 陈怡 谷秀芝.黑龙江省主要大豆品种光周期反应差异及其稳定性[J].大豆科学,1998,17(03):231.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.03.0231]
Zha ng GuiruDu w eig uangLuan Xiaoy anMa n WeiqunChen YiGu Xiuzhi.VARIATION AND STABILITY IN RESPONSE TO PHOTOPERIOD AMONGSOYBEAN CULTIVARS RELEASED IN HEILONGJIANG PROVINCE[J].Soybean Science,1998,17(02):231.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.1998.03.0231]