SUN Pei-le,NING Hai-long,CHEN Dong-sheng,et al.Ecological Character of Light and Temperature under Different Sowing Date in Spring Soybean (Glycine max L. Merill)[J].Soybean Science,2010,29(06):953-958.[doi:10.11861/j.issn.1000-9841.2010.06.0953]
- Title:
- Ecological Character of Light and Temperature under Different Sowing Date in Spring Soybean (Glycine max L. Merill)
- 文章编号:
- 1000-9841(2010)06-0953-06
- Keywords:
- Spring soybean; Sowing date; Developmental periods
- 分类号:
- S565.1
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 将来自中国北纬22.7°~50.2°范围内不同地点的19个春播大豆品种在2年中分4期进行播种,研究了春播大豆的光温反应。结果表明:春大豆由于生育期间受光温生态条件的影响,延期播种能减少生育日数,使其整个生育期缩短。越是早熟的春大豆品种,营养生长期对长日照反应越不敏感,在延期播种时,其营养生长期缩短的较少,但高温能促进其营养生长期缩短。晚熟春大豆品种的营养生长期对长日照反应较敏感,营养生长期受日照长度的影响较大。各熟期类型品种开花持续时间随着播种期的推后、日照时数的缩短而减少;其中越是晚熟品种,此种反应越强烈。在同类熟期的不同结荚习性品种中,光温反应为有限型>亚有限型>无限型。鼓粒至成熟阶段的生育日数在春播生态条件下基本不受短光照的影响;但温度条件对该生育阶段的进程影响明显,即所处的温度高(特别是>30℃的高温),生育日数则减少,所处的温度过低(特别是日平均<16℃或夜温<8℃),则生育日数明显增加。
- Abstract:
- In order to probe response of spring soybean to light and temperature, 19 spring soybean varieties bred from different locations arranging from N 22.7°to N 50.2°were sowed in 4 dates in 2 years, respectively. The result indicated that the whole growth length were affected by light and temperature and shortened as the sowing date delayed gradually. For early mature spring soybean varieties, vegetable growth stages (VGS) were not sensitive to long day light. When the varieties were sowed at delayed date, VGS were not shortened obviously. For late mature spring soybean varieties, VGS were readily influenced by long day light. The length of flowering were shortened as the sowing date delayed with short day light, and the shortened length of late mature varieties were bigger than that of early mature varieties. Among different varieties of all kind of podding habits, the shortened length of determinate soybean varieties were higher than that of semi-determinate ones, and the shortened length of sub-determinate soybean varieties were higher than that of indeterminate ones. The developmental period from seed expanding to maturing was not affected by short day light. This stage was influenced significantly by temperature and high temperature (especially when temperature is over 30℃) would shorten the maturity stage and low temperature (particular when day temperature is under 16℃ or night temperature is under 8℃) would extend maturity period.
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