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Breeding and High-yield Cultivation Technology of A New Drought Tolerant Soybean Variety Fendou 93(PDF)


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Breeding and High-yield Cultivation Technology of A New Drought Tolerant Soybean Variety Fendou 93
LIU Xiao-rongREN Xiao-junREN Hai-hongZHAO Jing-yunLYU Xin-yunMA Jun-kui
(Institute of Industrial Crops,Shanxi Agricultural University,Taiyuan 030009,China)
soybean Fendou 93 drought tolerance breeding high-yield cultivation
Fendou 93 is a new drought-tolerant soybean variety bred by Shanxi Agricultural University′s Industrial Crop Research through sexual hybridization and systematic selection, used Jinda 78 as the female parent and Jindou 39 as the male parent. This variety has the characteristics of high yield, stable traits, strong disease resistance, good commercial properties, and high drought tolerance. The average growth period is 139.5 days, suitable for planting in spring sowing areas such as central and southern Shanxi, central and northern Shaanxi, central and eastern Gansu. In 2018, Fendou 93 participated in the regional experiment of the Northwest group of the late-maturing group of northern spring soybeans. The average yield was 3 672.0 kg·ha-1, which was an increase of 1.0% over the control (Fendou 78), and the proportion of the test sites for increasing production was 75%. In 2019, the average yield of this variety was 3 630.0 kg·ha-1, which was 10.0% higher than the control (Fendou 78), and the proportion of the test sites for increasing production was 100%. In 2019, in the production test of the Northwest group of the late-maturing group of spring soybeans in the north, the average yield of Fendou 93 was 3 346.5 kg·ha-1, which was an increase of 5.2% compared with the control (Fendou 78), and the proportion of the test sites for increasing production was 86%. Its crude protein content is 42.67%, and the crude fat content is 19.55%. In 2020, Fendou 93 was tested and approved by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture in 2020, and the authorized number was Guoshendou 20200027.


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Last Update: 2022-11-29