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Exploring the Causes and Precautions of Soybean Staygreen Syndrome in Huang-Huai-Hai Regions


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Exploring the Causes and Precautions of Soybean Staygreen Syndrome in Huang-Huai-Hai Regions
MO Xian-shu1 LIANG Jia-ming1 LI De-xiao1 LIANG Fu-qin2 ZHANG Min-jun2 LIU Meng-juan1 XIAO Jin-ping3 ZHANG Pu3
(1.College of Agronomy, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China; 2.Institute of Yan’an Agricultural Science, National Soybean Experimental Stationin Yan’an,Yan’an 716099, China; 3.Hybrid Rape Research Center of Shaanxi Province, Lab of Soybean Breeding,Yangling 712100, China)
Soybean Staygreen syndrome Extreme temperature Heat tolerance Riptortus pedestris
The soybean staygreen syndrome, named as ‘Zhengqing’ in Chinese,is a serious physiological disorder among the Source-Translocation-Sinkresulting in seed development stag nation and leaf stay-green at the late growth stage.In recent years, the staygreen syndrome is becoming a serious threat to summer soybean production in Huang-Huai-Hai region. Based on field investigation and climate records in Yangling, the causes of soybean staygreen syndrome, were discussed. The regional incidence of soybean staygreen syndrome may be caused by extreme temperature stress during soybean regeneration stages(heat wave during R2-R4 periodor/and early cold after R5 stage).However, the local incidence of soybean staygreen syndrome may be related to the infection of Riptortus pedestris and Melanagromyza sojae and in appropriate cultivation.The pest control involved in comprehensive countermeasures will be effective to prevent soybean staygreen syndromein where soybean grown without extreme climate hit at early reproductive stages. However, Soybean cultivars with tolerance (or escaping) to heat stress and pest-control may be effective countermeasures for the areas prone to suffering heat wave at early reproductive stage. It is recommended to explore the occurrence mechanism of soybean stay green syndrome and to determine effective countermeasures.The soybean breeding program for heat tolerance should be proceeded as early as possible.


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Last Update: 2019-09-20