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The Relationship Between Staygreen Syndrome in Soybean and Stink Bugs and Preventive Strategy(PDF)


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The Relationship Between Staygreen Syndrome in Soybean and Stink Bugs and Preventive Strategy
GAO Yu SHI Shu-sen
(College of Plant Protection, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China)
Soybean Staygreen syndromeRiptortus pedestris Stink bugs Control strategy
This review aimed to explore the correlation between staygreen syndrome (Zhengqing) in soybean(especially the ‘pods without peas’ phenomenon) and stink bugs, and to help for solving the important problem in soybean production in Huang-Huai-Hai basin.According to the latest research progress,the relationship between Zhengqing and stink bugs such asRiptortus pedestriswas summarized and expounded in the paper.The syndromes of ‘staygreen symptoms’ were briefly analyzed and discussed. Considering the damage characteristics and occurrence trend of soybean stink bugs,the prevention and control strategy of soybean stink bugs was also proposed including unifying prevention and control simultaneously, controlling the overwintering and early spring pests source, controlling scientificly at the flowering and podding stage.The paper can provide reference for the occurrence and control of Zhengqing in soybean.


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Last Update: 2019-07-25