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Empirical Study on Export Demand Elasticity of China′s Soybean Import Country(PDF)


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Empirical Study on Export Demand Elasticity of China′s Soybean Import Country
ZHAO Yi-hu12 CHANG Xiang-yang1
(1.College of Economy and Management, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjng 210095, China; 2.College of Economy and Management, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China)
Chinese soybean import Soybean export Export demand elasticity
The fluctuation of world soybean price has aroused people′s attention to the research of soybean exporters and importers. At present, the pattern of world soybean import and export is as follows: China is the largest soybean importer in the world. China′s soybean imports accounts for over 60% of the world′s total imports of soybean, the United States, Brazil, Argentina are the three biggest soybean producers in the world, whose soybean exports accounts for more than 80% of the world′s total exports of soybean. At the same time, about 90% of China′s soybean imports are from these three countries. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the elasticity of soybean export demand of these three countries to China, as well as the trade choice and policy formulation of China and these three soybean export countries. This study deduced the export demand elasticity model of soybean exporters theoretically and calculated its numerical value. The results of empirical analysis showed that the largest export demand elasticity of the United States, Brazil and Argentina to China was 1.26(take the absolute value). From the perspective of the average value, the largest one was 1.02, while the rest was less than 1. Therefore, it could be basically judged that the demand of these three countries for China′s soybean export was inelastic. In horizontal comparison, the export demand elasticity of soybean in the United States was the largest, followed by Argentina and Brazil.


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Last Update: 2019-07-25