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Simulation Analysis of Ridge Subsoiler of Soybean Based on Computer Discrete Element Software(PDF)


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Simulation Analysis of Ridge Subsoiler of Soybean Based on Computer Discrete Element Software
REN Yue-ou1TIAN Wei2ZHU Xiao-gang1YU Cong-mei1
(1.Institute of Intelligent Manufacturing, Changchun Sci-Tech University, Changchun 130600, China; 2.College of Electrical Information, Changchun Guanghua University, Changchun 130000, China)
Soybean Ridge subsoiler Discrete element simulation test Tillage resistance Soil disturbance
In order to optimize the performance and effect of the subsoiler which is used on the ridge, the paper took the arc-type subsoiler under the normal operation as an example to analyze the tillage resistance and the influence on soil to make sure the structure parameters of the subsoiler. Then using EDEM to do the simulation test on the subsoiler to work out how the structure parameters influenced the tillage resistance and the area of soil disturbance. In this way, the structure of the subsoiler can be optimized. Through the theoretical analysis, some parameters of the subsoiler can be made sure, for example, the range of the cutting angle was from 30° to 60° and the range of the penetration angle was from 19° to 23°. Through two-factor and five-level orthogonal rotating composite discrete element simulation test, the primary and secondary factors which influenced the tillage resistance can be found out. They were cutting angle and the penetration angle of the subsoiler. Based on the theory, when the cutting angle was 34.39° and the penetration angle was 20.24°, the tillage resistance should be 804.799 N and the disturbance area should be 418.42 mm2. The result showed that compared with the theoretical value, the optimized tillage resistance increased by 7.92% and the soil disturbance area increased by 7.54%. It can be found that there was only slight difference between the theoretical one and the optimized one. So it proved that the optimization result was reliable. And the optimized stubble chopper had better operating performance and better operating effect. This paper can offer some basis to the optimum design for no-tillage machine parts.


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Last Update: 2019-07-25