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Volatility Spillover Effect Between Chinese and American Soybean Futures Markets Based on Variable Structure Copula Function(PDF)


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Volatility Spillover Effect Between Chinese and American Soybean Futures Markets Based on Variable Structure Copula Function
(1.School of Finance, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou 310018,China; 2.College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083,China)
Spillover effect Soybean futures No.1 soybean futures Copula function Variable structure Copula function
In recent years, the demand of China′s soybean has been increasing while the production of domestic soybean gradually declining, and imports have been rising rapidly. Since the US government initiated a trade war against China, the prices of soybean futures have changed significantly. Thus, it is especially important to study price formation and mechanism of China′s soybean futures. Therefore, this paper tested the volatility spillover effects between CBOT and DCE markets by establishing a normalized variable structure Copula-GARCH(1,1)-t model, uses Bayesian Time Series Diagnosis and Z test to observe the variable structure points. The results showed that the volatility of DCE soybean futures was lower than CBOT soybean futures, and there existed volatility spillover effect between CBOT soybean futures market and DCE soybean futures market. And there were three significant variable structure points. The paper analyzes the reasons of the correlation changes between CBOT and DCE soybean futures.


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Last Update: 2019-05-31