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The Impact and Countermeasures Analysis of Sino-US Trade Friction on China′s Soybean(PDF)


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The Impact and Countermeasures Analysis of Sino-US Trade Friction on China′s Soybean
CHEN Wei ZHU Jun-feng TIAN Guo-qiang
(College of Economics and Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
Sino-US trade friction China′s soybeans Impact Countermeasures analysis
Under the background of Sino-Us trade friction, the problem of whether to guarantee the effective supply of soybean and maintain the stability of soybean related industry has attracted the attention of scholars and government departments. This study firstly combed the world, China and China-US soybean production and trade status, and then assessed the impact of Sino-US trade friction on China′s soybeans, and finally put forward appropriate coping strategies. The results showed that the Sino-US trade friction had three effects on China′s soybean production: The price of imported soybeans rised, but the magnitude was small. The cost of soybean oil and livestock products increased, but the impact on CPI was limited. Increased China Farmers’ enthusiasm for growing soybeans and reduced their dependence on imported soybeans, but their effects were limited. Countermeasures: Appropriately increase the domestic soybean and rapeseed cultivation area. Increase the import of soybeans from other countries and diversify imports. Increase the import and consumption of soybean substitutes and reduce soybean imports. Adjust feed formula, use low-protein feed grain formula to reduce soybean meal demand. Guide residents to adjust consumption structure and reduce soybean demand. Deepen trade layout and lay out global industrial chain.


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Last Update: 2019-01-22