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Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Regulation on Photosynthetic Capacity and Yield under Soybean and Maize Rotation(PDF)


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Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Regulation on Photosynthetic Capacity and Yield under Soybean and Maize Rotation
ZHANG Ming-cong HE Song-yu JIN Xi-jun WANG Meng-xue REN Chun-yuan ZHAN Ying-ce HU Guo-hua ZHANG Yu-xian
(College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China)
Soybean-maize rotationNitrogen and phosphorus regulationPhotosynthetic capacityYield
In order to explore the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus regulation on photosynthetic capacity and yield under soybean and maize rotation in Heilongjiang reclamation region It was carried out in the Jiusan administration bureau of Heilongjiang province A field experiment was conducted in two growing seasons (2016 and 2017), maize-soybean and soybean-maize rotation were planted respectively in 2016, increasing nitrogen and reducing phosphorus in maize stubble, reducing nitrogen and increasing phosphorus in soybean stubble, to ensure that the total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer was the same during rotation period The results indicated that under increasing nitrogen and reducing phosphorus of maize stubble with maize-soybean rotation in 2016, compared to conventional fertilization comparison (MCK), the application of increasing 50% nitrogen of soybean and reduced 50% phosphorus of maize in maize stubble (MT2) increased SPAD, net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rates (Tr) of leaves, dry weight of vegetative organs and ear at milk-ripening stage, yield of maize Applying MT2 resulted in higher yield increased by 445%(P<005)as compared to MCK In 2017, soybean was planted to reduce nitrogen and increase phosphorus with maize-soybean rotation, compared to MCK, increased the photosynthetic rate of leaves, dry matter accumulation of vegetative organs at early and late of R5 stage, and increased yield of soybean but did not reach the significant levelWhile under reducing nitrogen and increasing phosphorus of soybean stubble with soybean-maize rotation in 2016, compared to conventional fertilization comparison (SCK), reduced SPAD of leaves, photosynthetic rate of leaves and dry matter accumulation of vegetative organs, and reduced yield of soybean, but did not reach the significant level Increasing nitrogen and reducing phosphorus of maize stubble with soybean-maize rotation in 2017, compared to MCK, increased SPAD of leaves, photosynthetic rate of leaves, dry matter accumulation after large bell stage and yield of maize Yield of MT2 was 1265% higher than that of MCK (P<005) This study investigated the relationship between ways of NP applications and changes of photosynthetic capacity through in a field experiment during two growing years, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for high-yield and high-efficient photosynthetic capacity under the same of the total amount fertilizer during rotation period The application of reducing 50% nitrogen of soybean and increasing 50% phosphorus of maize in soybean stubble, and the application of increasing 50% nitrogen of soybean and reducing 50% phosphorus of maize in maize stubble can significantly increase yield of maize, but soybean yield was not decreased, so the total yield of soybean and maize rotation was increased


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Last Update: 2018-12-04