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The Progress in Genetic Diversity of the Soybean Germplasm in China(PDF)


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The Progress in Genetic Diversity of the Soybean Germplasm in China
PU Yan-yan1 GONG Yong-chao1 LI Na-na1 LIU Yan2 WANG Qiu-ling2 SONG Dong-tao3 YAN Ting-jin1 DING Han-feng1
(1.Shandong Center of Crop Germplasm Resources/Shandong Research Station of Crop Gene Resource &Germplasm Enhancement, Jinan 250100, China; 2.Heze Regional Agricultural Research Institute of Shandong, Heze 274000, China; 3.Donga County of Agricultural Bureau, Liaocheng 252200, China)
Chinese soybeans Germplasm resources Genetic diversity Morphological markers Biochemical markers RAPD SSR
In order to understand the factor influencing the genetic diversity of soybean germplasm, broaden the genetic basis of the existing germplasm resources, the research development in genetic diversity of China soybean germplasm was summarized . This article mainly focus on the research progress of soybean genetic diversity from several aspects included the morphological, biochemical, molecular level, and combined methods, pointed out the rich characteristics and obvious geographical features of Chinese soybean genetic diversity, and the research and development of soybean genetic diversity were discussed and prospected.


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Last Update: 2018-04-03