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Progress of Research on Tolerance to Low-phosphorus Stress in Soybean(PDF)


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Progress of Research on Tolerance to Low-phosphorus Stress in Soybean
LIU Hai-xu1 WU Jun-jiang2 WANG Jin-sheng2 LU Wen-cheng3 XU Peng-fei1 ZHANG Shu-zhen1
(1.Soybean Research Institute of Northeast Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Soybean Biology of Chinese Ministry of Education, Harbin 150030, China; 2.Soybean Research Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Soybean Cultivation of Ministry of Agriculture P.R. China, Harbin 150086, China; 3.Heihe Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Heihe 164300, China)
Tolerance to low phosphorus stress Soybean QTL
Soybean is an important grain and oil crop in the world, and it is also the main source of high quality protein and animal feed protein. Soybean is one of the P-loving crops. Phosphorus is not only an important component of soybean genetic material, but also participates in physiological and biochemical processes such as enzymatic metabolism, metabolism, nodule nitrogen fixation and so on.Nearly one-half of the world′s arable land is in the state of phosphorus deficiency, and about two-thirds of the cultivated land in China is in phosphorus deficiency. Phosphorus stress is one of the most important factors limiting soybean yield. In this paper, the morphological changes, the physiological and biochemical responses of soybean, the construction of genetic map and the QTL mapping of soybean tolerance to low phosphorus were reviewed.The QTL mapping of soybean tolerance to low phosphorus was prospected, which would provide theoretic basis for improving the research advance on genetics and breeding of tolerance to low phosphorus stress.


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Last Update: 2017-08-14