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Effects of the Strip Compound Planting System on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield of Maize and Soybean(PDF)


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Effects of the Strip Compound Planting System on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Grain Yield of Maize and Soybean
XU Yan-hui1 WANG Chang1 ZHENG Dian-feng12 FENG Nai-jie1 LIANG Xiao-yan1 LIU Yang3
(1.Agronomy College of Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, China;2.National Coarse Cereals Engineering Research Center,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing 163319,China; 3.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Farming System,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100193, China)
Strip compound planting Monoculture Maize SoybeanPhotosynthetic characteristicsYield
In order to compare the differences of the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of maize and soybean under the strip compound planting and monoculture, field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of strip compound planting system (maize-soybean 2∶4) and corresponding monoculture on photosynthetic characteristics and grain yield of maize and soybean in two growing seasons (2015 and 2016). The results showed that: (1)As to the tall cultivar (Kenfeng 41), the strip compound planting increased the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration and water use efficiency of maize compared with maize monocultured. Although the net photosynthetic rate of the strip compound planting was slightly less than that of the maize monocultured in 2005, the water use efficiency and intercellular CO2 concentration were larger than that of the monoculture, which was beneficial to the accumulation of substance in maize grain, when the soybean variety was the dwarf variety (Kenfeng 40).(2) As to the tall cultivar (Kenfeng 41), the photosynthetic physiological indexes of soybean monocultured was larger than that of the strip compound planting except the content of chlorophyll was smaller; As to the dwarf cultivar (Kenfeng 40), the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content of the strip compound planting were higher than those of soybean monocultured, and the net photosynthetic rate was significantly different.(3) The strip compound planting increased the grain number per ear, ear weight and seeds weight of maize. Although the yield of the strip compound planting was slightly lower, the total economic benefit was higher than that of maize monocultured. (4) The number of pods per plant, grain number per plant, grain weight per plant, 100seed weight and yield were decreased, but the total economic benefit was higher than that of soybean monocultured.According to the data analysis, it was found that there was significant sense that the strip compound planting system of maize-soybean increased the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of maize, increased the total yield and economic benefits.


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Last Update: 2017-08-14