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Alleviative Effects of Spraying Plant Growth Regulator APK9 on Acid Rain Stressed Soybean Plants at Different Growth Stages(PDF)


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Alleviative Effects of Spraying Plant Growth Regulator APK9 on Acid Rain Stressed Soybean Plants at Different Growth Stages
ZHANG Guozheng1 XING Xinghua2 WANG Xing2 HE Xiaohong1 JIANG Haidong1 YU Deyue1
1 Soybean Research Institute/National Center for Soybean Improvement/State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;
2 Xuzhou Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Xuhuai District of Jiangsu Province, Xuzhou 221121, China
Simulated acid rain Soybean APK 9 Alleviate Stress
Acid rain is considered to be the top ten environment concerns in the world In a field experiment, soybean ( Glycine max L ) cultivar Xuzhou 18 was subjected to simulated acid rain (AR, pH3-5), followed by foliar application of APK 9 consisting of ascorbic acid (AsA) and polyaspartic acid The alleviative effect of APK 9 on AR stress in soybean plants was then investigated The results showed that AR obviously depressed growth after flowering stage and finally reduced soybean yield Chlorophyll content, nitrogen accumulation, phosphorus accumulation, AsA content, and antioxidative enzyme activities in AR stressed seedlings were enhanced, while malonyldialdehyde (MDA) content was repressed by application of APK 9 in flowering stage and podding stage However, chlorophyll content in leaf, biomass and yield reduced while MDA content increased when APK 9 was sprayed in seedlings stage and seed filling stage Thus, AR stress on soybean plants was effectively alleviated by foliar application of APK 9 in flowering stage and podding stage and the alleviation effect could be depressed by earlier or later application of APK 9 Here, spraying APK 9 in flowering stage had the greatest effect on AR stressed plants


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Last Update: 2017-05-14