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Effect of N,P,K Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Soybean in Heilongjiang Province(PDF)


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Effect of N,P,K Fertilization on Yield and Quality of Soybean in Heilongjiang Province
WEI Dan LI Yan LI Yu-mei JIN Liang WANG Wei CAI Shan-shanLI Jing
(Soil and Environmental Resources Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences / Heilongjiang Province Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Soil Emiroment, Harbin 150086, China)
Balanced fertilization Soybean Yield Quality
The results of lack elements (NPK) experiment on different soybean carried out on the black soil at Daqing, Suihua, Suihua of Heilongjiang province showed that the main limited nutritional factor affecting soybean was K, the main limited nutritional factor affecting the fat content and the oil and protein of soybean was P and the main limited nutritional factor affecting the protein content of soybean was N. Compared with the soybean yield and non fertilization and lack treatment under balanced fertilization, in Daqing, Suihua and Heihe, the yield of soybean increased by 5.6%-10.7%, 3.5%-12.6% and 8.9%-25.5%, respectively, protein content increased by 4.15%-10.53%, 1.00%-7.71% and 1.86%-9.02%, respectively; the fat content increased by 2.79%-11.76%, 1.66%-6.17% and 3.96%-8.03%, respectively; the oil and protein increased by 3.60%-11.02%, 1.28%-11.02% and 3.43%-8.59% respectively. Therefore balanced fertilization could not only promote growth and significantly increase yield of soybean but also improved seed quality. In order to obtain the high yield and good quality of soybean in Heilongjiang, the combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be paid more attention.


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Last Update: 2017-03-14