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Analysis of Farmers Planting Structure Adjustment Behavior in China’s Major Soybean Producing Areas(PDF)


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Analysis of Farmers Planting Structure Adjustment Behavior in China’s Major Soybean Producing Areas
ZHU Si-zhu SUN Hong-wu
(Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanjing 210014, China)
Chinese major soybean producing areas Farmers behavior Structural adjustment
Since the hard constraints of domestic resources, it is necessary to minimize the impact of farmers’ income when using international agricultural resources to meet the demand of resource-intensive agricultural products. In this paper, according to 2 039 soybean farmers′ panel data from five provinces in two major soybean producing areas during 2006-2010, we analyzed soybean farmers′ planting structure adjustment behavior by Tobit model and found that the relative price of soybean is an important factor to peasants for structural adjustment, but it varies in different areas, there is typical integration in soybean production since the restriction of the natural conditions. The greater proportion of soybean income in household income, the greater difficulty for structural adjustment, and the greater shocks due to soybean import, scale management can effectively promote the structural adjustment. In the process of open markets for agricultural products in the future, the feasibility must be fully considered for large-scale imports of agricultural products in main producing areas, especially for high concentration region, and be ready for breeding the replaced variety and supporting technology of reserves, the rhythm of importing and structure adjustment of agricultural should be controlled at the same time and create more suitable system environment for the land scale operation to promote the structural adjustment.


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Last Update: 2016-09-25