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Effect of Photosynthetic Bacteria Producing 5-aminolevulinic Acid( ALA) on theSeveral Index of Seedling Establishment of the Aged Soybean Seed(PDF)


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Effect of Photosynthetic Bacteria Producing 5-aminolevulinic Acid( ALA) on theSeveral Index of Seedling Establishment of the Aged Soybean Seed
HUANG XiaMA Huan-leLI Wan-yuLI Fu-weiLI Jin-qianZHANG De-chaoZHENG Ze-huiCUI Zhan-li
( College of Life Science and Technology,Heilongjiang Bayi Agriculture University,Daqing 163319,China)
Aging soybean seeds Photosynthetic bacteria 5-aminolevulinic acid Germination Seedling
S565. 1
In order to reduce the cost of production and application of 5-aminolevulinic Acid( ALA) ,the effects of culturecontaining 5-aminolevulinic acid( ALA) secreted by strains of photosynthetic bacteria and synthetic ALA( positive control) onthe germination rate of aged soybean seed and the several biology index of soybean seedlings establishment were assessed underlaboratory. The results showed that culture of photosynthetic bacteria in particular the culture supernatant( ALA containing approximately0. 1 - 0. 2 mg·L - 1 ) gave significantly better seedling height and root growth than other treatments,but theydidn’t significantly improve germination rate,seedling hypocotyl diameter,fresh weight and dry weight. 5 mg·L - 1 ALA increasedgermination rate significantly,hypocotyls diameter and seedling fresh weight,and 1 mg·L - 1 ALA increased shootsheight,hypocotyls diameter and dry weight significantly.


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Last Update: 2016-08-23