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Research Status and Application Prospect of Soybean Transposon(PDF)


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Research Status and Application Prospect of Soybean Transposon
LIU Yu-yuanFU Ai-genXU Min
College of Life Science,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,China
Soybean Transposon Mutant library Functional genomics
S565. 1
There are about 50 000 genes in the soybean genome,and the function of majority genes remains to be determined.A comprehensive insertion mutant library could provide a platform for the functional characterization of unknown genes in soybeangenome,and it could also contribute a collection of soybean germplasm resources with a variety of breeding values.Transposon works as a good tool for creating insertion mutants. In soybean,approximately 50%-60% of the genome are transposons,including retrotransposons and DNA transposons,while except DNA transposable elements Tgm9,all the elements areinactive. Many mutants were verified through transposon tagging experiment using T322,a soybean line containing activeTgm9. Although several mutant libraries were made using transposons from other species through gene transformation,developingnative elements and improving their activity and consistence shall provide a new method in soybean mutagenesis. In thispaper,we introduced transposons identified in soybean and the recent progress on applications of transposons in creating soybeaninsertion mutants for soybean functional genomics studies and germplasm renovation.


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Last Update: 2016-07-24