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Effects of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Agronomic Traits and Yield for Different Soybeans(PDF)


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Effects of Sowing Date and Plant Density on Agronomic Traits and Yield for Different Soybeans
SUN Guo-weiFU Lian-shunZHANG Feng-luZHANG Rui-pengZHU Hai-rong
1. Soybean Institute,Tieling Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Tieling 112616,China;?
2. College of Agronomy,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding071001,China
Soybean Sowing date Plant density Yield
S565. 1
Three soybean cultivars of Henong 60,Kenfeng 16 and Hefeng 55 were used to study the effect of different sowingdate,varieties and plant densities on agronomic characteristics and yield in field conditions. The results were as follows: sowingdate affected soybean yield very significantly,the interaction of sowing date and density,varieties and plant density,sowingdate,varieties and plant density affected soybean yield very significantly. The suitable sowing date was May 4th for Henong60,the highest yield was achieved at planting density of 4. 5 × 105 kg·ha - 1 and the highest yield was 1 810. 5 kg·ha - 1 ;for Kenfeng 16 and Hefeng 55,the highest yield was achieved at planting density of 3. 0 × 105 kg·ha - 1 and the highest yieldwas 1 721. 55 and 1 678. 95 kg·ha - 1 ,respectively.


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Last Update: 2016-06-28