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Research Advances on Physiological Parameters and Yield of Soybean in Response to Elevated CO2(PDF)


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Research Advances on Physiological Parameters and Yield of Soybean in Response to Elevated CO2
YANG Song-chao12 LI Yan-sheng1 LIU Xiao-bing1 WANG Guang-hua1YIN Kui-de2 JIN Jian1
1.Key Laboratory of Mollisols Agroecology, Northeast Insitute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Harbin 150081, China;
2.College of Life and Sci-technology, Heilongjiang BaYi Agricultural University, Daqinq 163319, China
Elevated CO2 Soybean yield Photosynthetic rate Symbiotic nitrogen fixation Root
During global climate change, the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere has increased from 270 μmol?L-1prior to the Industrial Revolution to 390 μmol.L-1 in 2013.It is expected that CO2will increase to 700 μmol.L-1?by the end of the century. The increase of atmospheric CO2concentration is likely to affect soybean production. The impacts of elevated CO2on photosynthetic rate, leaf area, chlorophyll content, phytohormones, nitrogen fixation, biomass accumulation and yield are reviewed.Many studies stated that photosynthetic rate of soybean had positive response to elevated CO2, while a decrease trend was observed in other studies.This is likely due to photosynthetic acclimation in response to elevated CO2.?Elevated CO2generally facilitates the accumulation of the chlorophyll content, but there was no response in some summer-sowing cultivars of soybean. The magnitude of leaf area, nitrogen fixation, biomass and yield in response to elevated CO2varied depending on the extent of CO2rise, cultivars, growth stages and other experimental conditions. The information on the effect of elevated CO2on phytohormones is very rare to our knowledge. It is worth further investigating on the mechanisms of yield in response to elevated CO2, including enzyme activities in relevant photosynthetic physiology, and metabolisms of carbon and nitrogen etc.Such work is fundamental to the high-yield breeding and the improvement of environmental adaptability in soybean in the future.


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Last Update: 2016-01-07