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Influence of Seed Treatment with Molybdenum on Soybean Photosynthesis and Yield under Mono-cropping and Relay Strip Intercropping System(PDF)


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Influence of Seed Treatment with Molybdenum on Soybean Photosynthesis and Yield under Mono-cropping and Relay Strip Intercropping System
CHEN Zhong-qun12 YAN Yan-hong3 YANG Wen-yu12 WANG Xiao-chun12 YONG Tai-wen12 LIU Wei-guo12
1.College of Agronmy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China;
?2.Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture, Chengdu 611130, China;?
3.College of Animal Science and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
Molybdenum Soybean Photosynthetic characteristics Yield
The effect of seed treatment with molybdenum on soybean photosynthesis was studied under mono-cropping and relay strip intercropping system.The results showed that the Chl(a+b) content, pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, and seeds yield of mono-cropping soybean was lower than those of relay strip intercropping soybean. However, the value of Chl a/b, net photosynthetic rate (net photosynthetic rate, Pn) and transpiration rate (transpiration rate, Tr) of mono-cropping soybean was higher than that of relay strip intercropping soybean.The Chl(a+b) content, the value of Chl a/b, Pn, stomatal conductance (stomatal conductance, Gs), intercellular CO2concentration (intercellular CO2concentration, Ci), Tr pods per plant and yield were increased by molybdenum treatment.The above indexes were the highest with 2.0 g.kg-1molybdenum treatment, and Pn, pods per plant and yield were higher by 36.14%, 27.32% and 37.25% respectively as compared with the control under the mono-cropping system, followed by 1.0 g?kg-1treatment.Whereas, in the relay strip intercropping system, the above indexes were the highest with 1.0 g.kg-1 molybdenum treated the seeds, and Pn pods per plant and yield were higher by 34.46%, 68.00% and 84.85% respectively as compared with the control, followed by 2.0 g.kg-1treatment. In a word, seed treatment with molybdenum improved the photosynthetic characteristics and yield of soybean, the molybdenum contribution to soybean yield in the relay strip intercropping system was higher than that in the mono-cropping system, and the optimum concentration of molybdenum in the relay strip intercropping system was lower than that in the mono-cropping system


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Last Update: 2016-01-05