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Bioinformatics Analysis of GmCML Genes in Soybean Genome(PDF)


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Bioinformatics Analysis of GmCML Genes in Soybean Genome
CHEN Chao DUANMU Hui-zi ZHU Dan LIU Ai-lin XIAO Jia-lei ZHU Yan-ming
Key Laboratory of Agricultural Biological Functional Genes, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China
Soybean CMLs EF-hand Bioinformatics Evolution analysis
CMLs is a kind of calcium-binding proteins with conserved EF-hand motifs, play an important role in calcium-dependent signaling pathway and play a key role in response to plant development and abiotic and bioticstresses.In this study, we identified and characterized 68 soybean CML through plant genome annotation and NCBI database. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that these GmCML genes could be classified into eight groups,combining with Arabidopsis CMLs. Furthermore, physical locations and gene duplications showed a higher evolution rate of GmCML Sequence alignment confirmed that this family proteins contain 2- 4 conserved EF-hand motifs.Expression profiles of all CML-transcripts from bicarbonate stress treated G.soja showed that there were 26 differently expressed GmCMLs. The transcript pattern in leaves and in roots was different.These results suggest that those genes may play important roles in plant environmental stress responses and adaptation, with different function in leaf and root.


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Last Update: 2016-01-05