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Effect ofDifferent Planting Patterns and N Application Rates on Abscission of Flower and Pod of Soybean and Yield(PDF)


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Effect ofDifferent Planting Patterns and N Application Rates on Abscission of Flower and Pod of Soybean and Yield
College of Agronomy,Sichuan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology,Ecology and Cultivation in Southwest,Ministry of Agriculture,Chengdu 611130,China
Maize-soybean relay strip intercropping Agronomic traits Yield Abscission
A field experiment with two planting patterns (soybean monoculture and maize-soybean relay strip intercropping) and three N application rates (NN:0, RN:180 kg.hm-2,CN:240 N kg.hm-2) was conducted to reveal their effects on agronomic traits and yield of soybean, abscission of flower and pod.The results showed that the plant height, stem diameter, branches and third leaf area reduced compared with the monoculture soybean, but first inter-node length and average inter-node length increased, the number of fallen flower and pod as well as flower and pod abscission rate of whole plant and each layer declined significantly, then the pods per plant of soybean and economic coefficient significantly improved.With the reduced branches and third leaf area under RN treatment, the fallen flowers about whole plant and upper-middle class of soybean in the maize-soybean relay strip intercropping system significantly reduced, flower and pod abscission rate reached a minimum, and the index of soybean was 10.8% and 10.2% lower than NN and CN.The pods per plant of soybean, 100-seed weight and the biomass under RN treatment were the largest in the relay strip intercropping system, and the performance of yield and economic coefficient were the best.


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Last Update: 2015-11-08