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Effect of Plant-Row Spacing on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Summer Soybean(PDF)


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Effect of Plant-Row Spacing on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Summer Soybean
PENG Jiang-longZHANG Yong-qiang TANG Jiang-huaZHANG NaSU LI-liLI Ya-jie Xu Wen-xiu
College of Agricultural,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 83005,China
Plant-row spacingSummer soybean Photosynthetic characteristics Yield
The aim of this experiment was to find out the appropriate spacing configuration and provide a theoretical basis with high yield cultivation measures for summer soybean(Heihe 43) under the population of 5.5×105 plants?ha-1. Five arrangements were established in summer soybean field as plant spacing×row spacing: 30 cm×6 cm (A),(15+30) cm×8 cm(B), 60 cm×3 cm(C), (15+15+60) cm×6 cm(D) and 40 cm×4.5 cm(E) to study the effect of photosynthetic characteristics and yield on summer soybean in northern Xinjiang. The results showed thatwith the increasing of plant spacing and decreasing of row spacing under equal spacing model,the chlorophyll content(SPAD), leaf area index(LAI) and photosynthetic rate(Pn) decreased, which was A>E>C, and the cumulative average of A were 8.89%,19.20% and 2.72% higher than C on SPAD, LAI and Pn respectively, but TD were 2.72%,18.73%,7.09% higher than A under the condition of same planting spacing on SPAD, LAI and Pn respectively. Yield of B(1 628.94 kg.hm-2) with the maximum spacing was 43.62%, 75.69%, 25.03% and 51.21% higher than A, C, D and E, respectively. The difference in yield between treatments were very significant(P<0.01), which indicated that decreasing the plant spacing and increasing row planting appropriately was one of the important measures to improve the summer soybean yield.


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Last Update: 2015-11-07