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Reviews on the Detection Methods of Soybean Allergic Proteins in Diets(PDF)


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Reviews on the Detection Methods of Soybean Allergic Proteins in Diets
ZHANG Shi-yao1 ZHAO Yuan1 LIU Dan-dan1 BAO Nan1 ZHAO Han-dong2 ZHANG Di
1.College of Animal Science and Technology, Jilin Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Animal Production, Product Quality and Security, Ministry of Education, Changchun 130118, China; 2.Changchun Agriculture Expo Park, Changchun 130118, China
Soybean antigen protein competitive ELISA Double-antibody sandwich ELISA Detection
Soybean allergic protein may lead to several negative effects to animals, combined with the difficulty of its inactivated features, which become a bottleneck of animal nutrition industry.Thus, under the circumstance of shortage of the protein resource, the fast, simple and accurate detection methods of soybean allergic protein become an important problem which needs to be solved.In this paper, we reviewed and compared several detection methods of soybean allergic protein and provided a basis for selecting an appropriate detection method.


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Last Update: 2015-07-16