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Production Distribution Analysis and Premiumrate Decision of Soybean in Heilongjiang Province(PDF)


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Production Distribution Analysis and Premiumrate Decision of Soybean in Heilongjiang Province
YANG Xiao-juanLIU Yuan BAI Wei LIU Bu-chun
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/National Engineering Laboratory of Efficient Water Use, Disaster Resistant and Mitigation of Crops/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081, China.
Cultivated area Yield distribution model Premium
The information of spatial and temporal distribution and premium of soybean .Symbol`@@were very useful for making planting and insurance policy, which could guarantee food security in the background of soybean sown area decreased sharply and natural disaster increased gradually in Heilongjiang. According to the data ofsoybean sown area and yield of 13 cities and ABR of Heilongjiang from 1993 to 2012, the spatial and temporal variation of soybean production were analyzed using statistics method and yield distribution model soybean premium of 14.The results indicated that the soybean sown area reached maximum in 2009, then continuing year-by-year sharp declines, and in 2012, the sown area was 2 600 thousand hectares, which was only 53.5% of 2009. Qiqihaer, Heihe and ARB werethe 3 main soybean planting areas accounting for 56.85% of, and the corresponding premium were 6.52%,3.96% and 2.29% in Qiqihar, Heihe and ARB, respectively. the soybean premium of Heilongjiang was in the range of 2.29%-8.79%,and the average was 5.06%. More consideration in the aspects of disaster prevention and financial subsidize needed to give Qiqiher due to the large sown area and high premium of soybean.


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Last Update: 2015-07-16