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Tendency to Different Colors By Insects in Soybean Fields(PDF)


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Tendency to Different Colors By Insects in Soybean Fields
LI Jia12 GAO Yu1 CUI Juan1QI Ling-zi1 SHI Shu-sen1
1College of Agriculture, Jilin Agricultural University / The Innovation Center of Soybean Region Technology, Changchun 130018, China;
?2Agrotechnical Station of Liaoyuan, Liaoyuan 136200, China
Soybean field Insects Color sticky traps Tendency
The trapping effect of ten different color sticky traps was tested for all kinds of insects in soybean fields. The results showed that the color sticky traps attracted 258 species of arthropods respectively belonging to nine order in Class insecta and one order in Class Arachnids in the soybean fields.In addition, the species and the number of individuals on light geeen and yellow sticky traps were much more than others.Insect taxa attracted by different color sticky trap were slightly different, but more attractive to Diptera and Thysanoptera. At the same time it also suggeted that different insects trended to different color. All the results showed that color sticky traps was the most effective one for monitoring and controlling isnect pests in soybean fields.The best colors for trapping insects in soybean fields were initial screening that trapping technology by using color sticky traps in soybean fields is feasible and broad prospects for green pest control and prevention.


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Last Update: 2015-06-08