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Effects of Original Ridge Tillage on the Growth and Yield of Spring Soybean(PDF)


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Effects of Original Ridge Tillage on the Growth and Yield of Spring Soybean
SONG Qiu-lai1FENG Yan-jiang1WANG Qi1SUN Yu1ZENG Xian-nan1BIAN Jing-yang1ZHAO En-long2
1Crop Tillage and Cultivation Institute,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Harbin 150086,China;?
2Harbin Skyway Ecological Agriculture Investment Co.Ltd,Harbin 150078,China
Original ridge tillage Leaf area Plant height Dry matter Yield
This study systematically compared the differences of soybean leaf area, plant height,dry matter accumulation and yield with the two farming methods of intercroping maize and soybean and soybean continuous cropping in the whole growth period.The result showed the intercroping soybean grew slowly in seedling period due to the presence of corn stalks.Its leaf area, plant height, dry matter accumulation respectively decreased 6.76%, 27.78%, 16% comparing with soybean continuous cropping treatment.As the the intercroping soybean developed rapidly in late stage,the gap between the two treatments was gradually reduced.Leaf area, dry matter accumulation of intercropping maize and soybean treatment were higher than soybean continuous cropping treatment, the heights of the above two treatments were the same in the filling period.The dry matter accumulation of intercropping maize and soybean treatment was higher than soybean continuous cropping treatment of 7.6% in the mature period.The yield of intercropping maize and soybean treatment was higher than soybean continuous cropping treatment of 9%.


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Last Update: 2015-06-07