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Factors Influencing Variety Choice by Soybean Farmers in China:Analysis of an On.site Survey(PDF)


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Factors Influencing Variety Choice by Soybean Farmers in China:Analysis of an On.site Survey
YANG Guang-ming1 2 HAN Tian-fu1 WU Cun-xiang1 WU Ting-ting1 LIU Li-jun3 ZHANG Meng-chen4 NIAN Hai5 ZHOU Xin-an6 ZHANG Wan-hai7 LI Wen-bin8 WANG Shu-ming9 ZHANG Lei10 XING Han11 GAI Jun-yi11
1.National Soybean Industrial Technology R&D Center, Institute of Crop Science, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 2.Institute of Agricultural Economics and Development, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 3.Soybean Research Institute, Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150086, China;
4.Institute of Cereal and Oil Crops Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Shijiazhuang 050031 China 5.College of Agriculture South China Agricultural University Guangzhou 510642 China 6.Oil Crops Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Wuhan 430062 China 7.Hulunbeier Institute of Agricultural Sciences Hulunbeier 021000 China 8-Agronomy College of Northeast Agricultural University Harbin 150030 China 9.Soybean Research Institute Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences Changchun 130033 China 10.Crop Institute of Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences Hefei 230031 China 11.National Center for Soybean Improvement Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing 201195 China

Keywords: China
Soybean Variety choice Variety traits Binary logit
?Variety improvement and new variety adoption play dominant roles in enhancing crop productivity. However, in practice, successful adoption of improved varieties is influenced by multiple factors. This study aimed to investigate farmers’ perception of soybean variety traits and identify factors determining farmers’ variety choices in the three main soybean production regions of China, namely the Northern Spring Soybean Region (NSSR), the Huang-Huai-Hai Rivers Valley Summer Soybean Region (HHHR), and the Southern Multiple.Cropping Soybean Region (SMSR).During 2008-2010, farmers from 22 provinces covering the three main soybean production regions were surveyed by National Soybean Industry R & D System to obtain data about their socioeconomic characteristics and perceptions of variety traits.A binary logit model was applied to identify the factors influencing farmers’ variety choices. The results indicated that high adoption rates of improved varieties of 99.45% in NSSR and 93.40% in HHHR, whereas that in SMSR was 37.55%. In NSSR and HHHR, improved varieties outperformed landraces with respect to all the surveyed traits, particularly high yield, yield stability, lodging resistance, and disease resistance.In SMSR, in contrast, the landraces were superior to improved varieties in yield stability, disease resistance, stress tolerance, processing quality, maturity group, and plant height. Empirical results showed that in NSSR farming experience and off-farm labor strongly influenced variety adoption.With the exception of household socioeconomic factors and the aim of high yield, early maturity in HHHR and lodging resistance in SMSR were the main factors influencing farmers’ variety choices. This study will assist the development of region-specific breeding and extension strategies and further advance of soybean production in China


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Last Update: 2015-12-01