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Research Progress on Soybean Cultivation and Breeding in the Far East Region of Russia(PDF)


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Research Progress on Soybean Cultivation and Breeding in the Far East Region of Russia
Chaika A K12Vashchenko A P1Efremova O S2Ilyushko M V2
1.The Far Eastern Regional Scientific Centre,Primorsky Krai 692539,Russia;
2.Primorsky Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture,Primorsky Krai 692539,Russia
SoybeanFar East region of RussiaConventional breedingAgri-biotechnology
This paper summarized the recent advances of soybean cultivation and breeding in the leading Russian Far East Institute in agriculture and biology.One hand,some soybean varieties in the far east region of Russia were introduced,which were bred by the traditional line selection and crossbreeding and characterized by high yield,high disease resistance,wide adaptability,good quality and suitable mature period.On the other hand,methods and application situation of biological techniques and molecular techniques in soybean breeding were reviewed,and discussed their development prospects.


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Last Update: 2014-12-27