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Analysis on Reasons of China-s Soybean Import Market Structure Changes(PDF)


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Analysis on Reasons of China-s Soybean Import Market Structure Changes
LIN Da-yan12ZHU Jing1WU Guo-song3
1.College of Economics and Management,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China;2.Research Center for International Economy & Trade of Nanjing University of Science & Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;3.College of Economics and Management,Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian 223001,China
SoybeansImport market structureInfluencing factorsHOV model
Over the past decade,China’ s soybean import market structure has undergone significant changes.This paper analyzed main factors affecting China’ s soybean import market structure by HOV model.The results show that land endowments,labor endowments,capital endowments,economies of scale,transport conditions,China-s market demand as well as the third market effect are major factors.Differences on empirical results between 1986-1997 and 1998-2012 further indicate that relative changes on resource endowments among import sources are main reasons for changes on China’ s soybean import market structure.


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Last Update: 2014-08-05